Tuesday, October 7, 2014

GIY: Bling Acrylic Makeup Storage

In an effort to personalize my "She Space", I have been doing a lot of DIY's (Do It Yourself) and GIY's (Glam It Yourself). Again, my money is very tight, but I still want feel pretty and uplifted.  So this process of redecorating our spare room for my work space has been a great creative work.

I recently saw a Blinged out acrylic makeup storage box on Instagram and fell in love with it. I looked it up on the seller's website and it was a bit out of my price range unfortunately.  I then thought, I believe that I can do it myself.  So I did.

I used my Clearly Chic Acrylic Tray and Drawers.  This brand is very affordable and can be purchased at the following stores: Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Bed Bath and Beyond, Ross and Marshall's. The price range for these acrylic pieces are $7.99-$19.99, I have not seen anything over $19.99 for these acrylics.

Here are some supplies that you will need:
*Gem Box - I purchased mine from a local craft store
*E6000 Glue - This a very sturdy super glue
*Acrylic piece of you choice

This is really super easy.

1. Take acrylic piece and identify the area that you want Gems displayed.
2. Take E6000 glue and carefully cover that specific area with glue.
3. Place Gems on to glue (you can put as many as desired or that will fit in that area)
4. Once you placed Gems as desired, simply let it dry for 4-8 hours.

Honestly this is an inexpensive project that really looks high-end on a low-budget. I love Bling, but can't always afford it. The project came out amazing, I love to just stare at it. I feel like it gives  my vanity a very Glamorous look.

If you want see my YouTube video on this project click link below.

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